Travis and Becky Fletcher: Overwhelming

Monday, September 26, 2005


I am feeling very overwhelmed at this moment. School is already soo busy!! I have about 50 assignments per week! (yes that is exaggeration, I am my mother's daughter) But honestly, I have an assignment per class per week and a couple chapters of reading per class per week. I don't know how I'm going to plan anything else for the wedding, so it looks like there will be no attention to detail. Oh well, as Mrs. Fletcher would say, "anything better than MacDonalds is gravy!" or something like that. I had lunch with Travis' parents without him yesterday, and I had such a great time. I am so glad that this is the family I am marrying into. I wouldn't change one thing about one person. Anyways, Mr.Wehrwein, my CAD teacher, is starting up. I better not get lost.


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