Travis and Becky Fletcher: Randomness by Travis

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Randomness by Travis

Gaming terms 101
Just because this is so funny that someone actually took the time to type all these out, I'd thought for interests sake I should post it! And I know most of you out there should "come to terms" with the electronic world... LOL. Becky just told me girls only read this. So ladies this is a sneak preview of the language I hear on a daily basis... Have fun! :P

gg - good game wp - well played gl - good luck gj - good job gjt - good job team gadl/goadl - go after download rofl - rolling on floor laughing lmao - laughing my arse off lol - laugh out loud roflmao - rolling on floor laughing my arse off pmsl - pissing myself laughing noob/nub/n00b/newb - new player to a game (often used as an insult to suggest the player is not very good) owned - obliterated in a game pwned - same as owned but abit more raped - same as both above hf - have fun nade - grenade ftw - for the win vent - ventrillo ts - teamspeak imo - in my opinion rl - real life irl - in real life idk - i dont know idc - i dont care btw - by the way tbh - to be honest afk - away from keyboard aka - also known as bg - bad game asl - age sex location bbq - barbique (nothing rly to do with this but i shove it in anyway) mu - match up pvp - player vs player exp - expansion (can either mean game expansion or new base in rts games) expo - expansion (same as above) lvl - level mmo - masivly multiplayer rpg - role playing game mmorpg - masivly multiplayer role playing game rts - real time stratrgy fps - first person shooter tbg - text based game tbs - turn based stratrgy char - charicter ah - auction house (found on some mmorpg's) re - recreate/rejoin rm - remake ng - new game nore - no rematch cba - cant be arsed (remember at last min lmao) uber - super/great micro - unit micromanagement macro - managing resources leet/1337/l33t - elite (very good) or the gamers language. ns - nice shot gf - good fight nt - nice try gt - good try tba - to be announced ty - thank you ttyl - talk to you later brb - be right back bbl - be back later j/k - joke oj - only joking noobified/noobificated - skills have gone/turned crap w00t - we owned other team nr - no rush no rush - no attacking early in game.. if followed by a number means no attacking until the time stated has ended. tk - team kill pk - player kill lfg - looking for group lfc - looking for clan tank - in mmo means a unit to lure enemys and take damage. hax/haxor - hacker hs - headshot walled - shot through wall rj - rejoin (actually person who said below re also often means rejoin)


Blogger Becky said...

I think you just brought the quality reading material of my blog down a notch... a big notch. If anyone actually read that and enjoyed it I will be very surprised.

11:27 p.m.  
Blogger Christy and Dustin said...

Did you type all that out Travis or did you just copy and paste it? Cuz if you typed it all out your geekyness level just shot up a few notches. And no I didn't read it through. You guys are funny.

9:40 a.m.  

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