Travis and Becky Fletcher: SOOO, How's Married Life??

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

SOOO, How's Married Life??

Travis and I hear this question from almost every person we see. So far, it's not annoying.. yet. But it's hard to come up with different answers after a while. So I will sum up what it's been like being married to my best friend.

Married life is amazing. We had an awesome honeymoon, and since coming back I have had 2 weeks to set up our house before I start my new job (tomorrow) at Linens N Things. Travis wasn't too happy about my not earning any money for those 2 weeks, but it has been so worth it. There is so much to do around this house to keep it clean and set it up. I finally got everything in order, and then our fridge broke. Luckily mom and dad had an extra in their basement (which is bigger and nicer than the one we had.. yay!), but it caused a bit of chaos in our house and subsequent mess. I need to go grocery shopping today to replace the things that went bad. I have really gotten used to not working though, I quite enjoy it! Too bad we are poor. Anyways, back to married life. It hasn't really felt like a HUGE adjustment for either of us, since we spent so much time together when we were dating. There is a lot less driving and the best thing is that we don't have to say goodbye at night. Both of us already feel like guests in our parents homes, they already don't feel like home to us, which is a good thing. Home is here with my hubby. We both love not having to answer to our parents all the time, and not living with them, as much as we do love them.

The second most asked question is "when are you guys having kids?"... And while getting pregnant now and not having to work anymore sounds like a great idea, it is not what either of us want. We both want to enjoy married life without kids first for a while. Once you have kids, you can't give them away or have a break. We have our whole lives for that. Travis and I would love to first of all, be done school, and second of all, be in a place where we are both ready. So, in answer to that question, in a few years.


Blogger Christy and Dustin said...

I'm glad married life is treating you well. I'm glad you got a new fridge and I'm glad you're waiting to have kids. You won't regret it.

2:11 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But once you have one kid, you get the question, "So, when are you having another?"

The questions never stop :)

Happy married life!

7:10 p.m.  
Blogger Jen said...

You sound happy!

Angella is right- I was going to post the same thing - the questions never stop! And I am guilty of asking them. :/

9:56 a.m.  
Blogger Stephanie and Brad said...

I hear the EXACT questions all the time. I knwo what it's like. I'm glad to hear that things are going well. Pretty much, I could have written thtat exact same paragraph to sum up our marriage so far. Except mine would say, I AM NEVER HOME!!! haha..but it's good. Glad you're loving it.

2:29 p.m.  
Blogger Manda said...

You forgot to add "so QUIT asking!" I'm glad its been all bliss except for the fridge. At least you didn't drink the milk. I probably would have :-)

10:08 p.m.  

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