So I thought I would finally post some of the pictures from my beautiful new Nikon D50. These are some of my favorites. The first is part of a worn fence by the farm, the second of Nikita (I love that dad is making a silly face in the background), and the third is my jeans. I love this thing! I took a whole bunch of pictures at Trav's cousin Chantelle's wedding last weekend, but haven't put them on my computer yet. I think when we get back from our honeymoon I will get a flickr account so I can put up a schwack load of pictures of the wedding and honeymoon.
But guess what!! I'm getting married in 5 days, and 20 hours!! Everything seems to be falling into place, and it doesn't seem like this week will be TOO busy, if all goes as planned, that is!! A week from now, I will be MRS. FLETCHER!! and just over a week from now, I'll be in Barcelona! So much to look forward to!