Time goes by.. so slowly
No offense Madonna, but time has gone by so QUICKLY! I know I whine and whine about Travis being gone and how hard it is to live here all alone without him, blah blablah.. But guess what! He has been gone for 11 months!! And there is less than a month to go! I only have three weeks of school left, then one test during exam week on the monday, a dress fitting in Calgary on wednesday, then I am up to Fort McFaraway to help Travis pack up! Then, thursday the 27th is his last day at Suncor!!! On the 29th, Amanda is so nicely planning a wedding shower for me in Edmonton, which is halfway between Fort McMurray and Lethbridge, so that will nicely break up our drive on the way back. Then, he is HOME FOR GOOD!!! Things are looking up! I hope Toby likes the drive down. I "called him", since we are taking separate vehicles home most likely, and I don't have the priveledge of living with our kitty cat. Although a 10 hour drive with a cat is most likely not the best way to get to know and love one. He has not enjoyed the car in the past.. OK maybe I'm having second thoughts. What do you think, Amanda? (long story short, Gizmo peed on Manda's lap right in the beginning of a long drive = big stench all the way. awww, the howler)
So I was nicely arranging my material samples on my bed for my project, and Nikita felt the need to walk across them about 20 times! Why do they always lay or walk right in what you are doing? She loves to sleep on my homework. But when I want to cuddle, she is nowhere to be found.
Oh yeah.. back to the countdown.. after Travis and I get back to Lethbridge, there is only a short month and a bit left before the BIG day!! Wish us luck!
P.S. Mom did take the camera to the land of summer, so no pics of the wedding yet.
So I was nicely arranging my material samples on my bed for my project, and Nikita felt the need to walk across them about 20 times! Why do they always lay or walk right in what you are doing? She loves to sleep on my homework. But when I want to cuddle, she is nowhere to be found.
Oh yeah.. back to the countdown.. after Travis and I get back to Lethbridge, there is only a short month and a bit left before the BIG day!! Wish us luck!
P.S. Mom did take the camera to the land of summer, so no pics of the wedding yet.